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Norwegian journalist won MyNewsdesk's iPad competition

The journalist Stian Thorsrud from the Norwegian magazine Dine Penger won the iPad in MyNewsdesk's journalist competition. Many journalists and bloggers took the chance to subscribe to company news from the MyNewsdesk News Exchange Site and participate in our competition for, among other things, an iPad.

We announced the competition for the iPad in the beginning of May and it was mainly directed to journalists and bloggers in the Nordic countries and Great Britain.  Due to MyNewsdesk’s international expansion, we wanted to encourage these journalists and bloggers to use our services. Besides from the iPad, the competitors had the opportunity to win iPhones and PR related books.

Here are the lucky winners:

Stian Thorsrud (Norway), Dine Pengar

iPhone 3G
Ann-Louise Larsson (Sweden), Jordbruksaktuellt
Lars Bennetzen (Denmark), Alt om DATA
Richard Fisher (Great Britain), New Scientist

The book: The fall of PR & the rise of advertising by Stefan Engseth
Marcus Ekdahl (Sweden), Helsingborgs Dagblad
Magnus Eidem (Norway), DN Nye Medier
Henrik Malmgren (Denmark), Digitale Medier
Celina McKee (Great Britain), Pharma Times
Fred Sten (Finland), Jazzrytmit WEB Magazine

Are you a journalist or a blogger? Simplify your daily work routine, sign-up and start using our free services.



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Press Officer on Duty

Lehdistön yhteyshenkilö Lehdistökyselyt
Sofia Thorngren

Sofia Thorngren

Lehdistön yhteyshenkilö Head of Marketing Communications

Uutishuone on organisaatiosi näyteikkuna

Mynewsdesk on Pohjoismaiden johtava viestinnän ja sisältömarkkinoinnin alusta, jota käyttää noin 5000 yritystä ja 77 000 käyttäjää päivittäin. Pilvipalveluihin perustuvat ratkaisumme sisältävät mediaseurannan, uutishuoneet ja tiedotteiden digitaalisen jakelun sekä PR-tulosten analysoinnin. Vuonna 2003 Tukholmassa perustettu Mynewsdesk on osa norjalaista mediayhtiötä, NHST Media Group AS.

Mynewsdesk Suomi

Suomi / Finland