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Tarjoamme pienen kurkistuksen livelähetyksen muodossa kesäkuun 18. päivän huipputapahtumaamme FutureComms14 - The PR & Comms Event of The Year Livetilaisuudessa keskustellaan siitä, miltä tulevaisuuden viestintä näyttää. Keskustelijoina Deirdre Breakenridge, Neville Hobson, Paul Sutton, Danny Whatmough and Adam Cranfield. Katso tarkemmat huippupuhujiemme esittelyt alempaa.
Keskustelun kysymykset:
Kommentoi miltä viestinnän tulevaisuus näyttää sinun mielestäsi vastaamalla lyhyeen kyselyymme ja tviittaamalla #FutureComms14.
Milloin: Keskiviikkona 28.5 klo 18.00 Suomen aikaa
Missä: Livelähetys tässä alla
Hinta: Ilmainen
- Hashtag: #FutureComms14
Puhujien esittely:
Deirdre Breakenridge, CEO, Pure Performance Communications and author of "Social Media and Public Relations: Eight New Practices for the PR Professional" @dbreakenridge |
Neville Hobson has over 25 years’ international experience in PR and marcomms, Neville Hobson runs one of the UK’s top PR blogs, nevillehobson.com, and co-hosts the For Immediate Release podcast series. @jangles |
Paul Sutton, Head of Social Communications at PR and content agency BOTTLE, and a blogger at futurecomms.co.uk. Under his stewardship, BOTTLE has won 15 social media awards in the last three years. @ThePaulSutton |
Adam Cranfield heads up global marketing for Mynewsdesk, the world’s leading all-in-one brand newsroom and multimedia PR platform. He has worked in communications and media for 15 years, including agency side and for the Department for Education, CIMA, Nectar and Heat Magazine. @adamcranfield |
Danny Whatmough is Associate Digital and Social Media Director at Ketchum, Daniel Whatmough heads up all digital activity across P&G brands such as Max Factor and Hugo Boss. He is chair of PRCA’s digital group and member of AMEC’s social media measurement committee.@DannyWhatmough |
- What is the future of communications?
- Will marketing, PR and social media job roles still be distinct in 5 years?
- Will the results that small agencies can achieve using communications technology make brands question the value for money large agencies offer?
- Will organisations rely more on in-house communicators to produce their content than external agencies?
Kommentoi miltä viestinnän tulevaisuus näyttää sinun mielestäsi vastaamalla lyhyeen kyselyymme ja tviittaamalla #FutureComms14.